Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Song of a New Year

the year's go by and by, and we wonder where the end is nearly every day, but once a year we receive a list of endless possibilities, things that can change.
One thing that always goes on my list is Loose Weight,  and Eat Better. 
This year is rather similar, the first semester of college also got me to think Study More, Work Harder, and don't settle for a B. In the words of Adande from the youtube channel Swoozie, "I want to out do myself." my new year's resolution, to out do myself.

Comment what you're doing, lemme know!


Friday, December 20, 2013

Tolerance-freedom to voice opinion...

There's this thing called tolerance, and we are supposed to tolerate nearly everything, unless it's a view, then you're either wrong or right, there is no "That's your opinion" there's only "Your wrong and I'm right." I find it ridiculous that we have to tolerate being persecuted all the time, for choices of opinion, Phil Roberts voiced an opinion and he is being given a probationary period, because of his opinion, He wasn't voicing fighting words, just stating what he believes. If I couldn't voice my opinion because someone doesn't agree with me, then that means were back to being put in a box, it is wrong to be denied the right to voice your opinion. After all we do this everyday on social media, and everybody else retorts, but we don't kick people off because they said something we don't like.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas 2014

Although the big holiday is coming really fast, it feels so far away, as if it doesn't have any joy in it anymore. Let's put the Joy back in Christmas America, UK, Canada, Euros, We can do this! all this hubbub is really pulling down on the Christmas celebrating. Cleaning houses, buying groceries, all this stuff leads up to the Christmas season, but don't forget to enjoy your hot coco break, and think about the reason for the season, if it's family fellowship, don't put all the material things ahead of them, Eat some dinners at the table as a family. Most College student just want to come home and do nothing, because they are aloud, the just sit around and be with their family, so don't just wait until Christmas, sit down with your house hold, and enjoy each other. Merry Christmas, one and all.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christmas Tea

So this year is a Christmas tea at my church, and my theme is peppermint, red and white swirls. La-de-flippin-da. I am trying to figure out what to have, because it's Tea, not dinner, tea, it's like an evening snack. This includes a few pretty sandwiches, and cookie thingies. I am making Dark Chocolate Crumb bars, because it's a group tea, and the table favors are going to be walnut hedgehogs, peppermint sticks, and peppermint bark. So festive, this is my DIYing for the month I suppose, but it will go further because Christmas is coming up, and you can't really go wrong for a christmas tea. you could do lovely elegant or silly adorable, it's great. Have a good Christmas/holiday prep!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Being Without Transportation in College

At the moment, I am attending classes at my local college, and the most irritating thing is depending on my designated driver. I am very independent and spend most of my time taking care of my stuff and keeping up self-sufficiency. It's really bugging me at the moment that I have to depend on someone else to get me where I need, and it would be even harder if I had depend on a bus system, I hate depending on people for something so simple as a car ride.
This will soon end for me, but at the moment I am stuck with depending on people for transportation.
Comment below if you have any frustrations with your transportation situation.

Friday, November 15, 2013

7 Things to make a Mechanic's day

A dear friend of mine is a Auto Repair mechanic and has told me the nightmares that he has faced with his crazy customers. Also coming from someone who worked as a front desk person for auto repair, I've seen the best and worst of people and their attitudes. This is in collaboration with a very honest sympathizing mechanic.

  1. Be considerate: to any mechanics, this is worth your time, especially if you're worried about getting ripped off, if your going to stand there and talk their ear off, that is wasting time and time for them is money. Even for a mechanic that you know and love, they will not be happy to stand there and listen to a story about how you cat puked on your couch.
  2. Clean your car: Many times, you would not believe how many times my friend has had to fix the AC and there is trash and all sorts of stuff on the floors of the car.
  3. Holiday Spirt: When you have regular mechanic, make him some cookies, show appreciation he's fixing your car man, I know your paying for it, but if you have a really good mechanic who cuts down prices because he wants to help you out, at least give him some cookies.
  4. Thanks: Always say thank you, they just endured a not so enjoyable time under the hood of your car, they might have been drenched in gasoline, or showered in oil. At the end of the day hearing thank you's are nice, even a card for a big job too, cards are nice.
  5. Timing: Do not come in at lunch time, unless it's to pick up your car. Your mechanic is trying to eat and your walking in on him, interrupting his one break of the day. If you call in first, and he knows your coming then he will make sure to eat, an be ready to fix your car. Same with talking with your mechanic, if it appears to be a slow day in the shop, they won't mind talking a bit, but in actuality there is more to do around a shop then fix cars, so even if they don't have work they have work. To have a conversation with your mechanic about anything is fine but don't stand there and talk to them for an hour, especially if more customers are coming in.
  6. Timing 2: picking up your car really late bites, if the shop is open late and it's a big shop, not as big of a problem, but when it's an independent shop, not a big name, usually these guys are trying to get home to eat with their family. If he's waiting for you to pick up your car, most likely his family is waiting for him to get home.
  7. Tips: If you are going to get something small done on your car, whether they are really busy, or it looks to be a slow day in the shop, it's nice for your mechanic to get a tip, it doesn't have to be a lot of money, it shows appreciation to their work. If they are honest, that will really make their day to get an extra five, ten bucks.
With your new knowledge hopefully you'll use this, because I bet you, you're mechanic will be happy to see you again.

Friday, November 8, 2013

More Demotivating stuff....

I was thinking about all the stuff I should be doing... at least ten other things then this....
I am not a lazy person usually so when I don't want to do something, it's kind of weird. Like right know I should be setting up to do a youtube video, and yet... no, just no. I just cant be bothered to do anything right now... It's a good thing I'm not in a relationship right now, otherwise I'd be making my +1 miserable by not even paying attention to him... I just turned a blog into my problem venting page... wow.
I'm sorry.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hot Single Drink's in a Mug DIY

Hot Coco
  • 1 Tbsp Cocoa powder, or carob
  • 2 Tbsp Sugar, stevia, or xylitol
  • Mugs worth of milk
  • A dash Vanilla extract
  • Whipped cream (you know what to do :d)
Combine dry ingredients in mug
Stove instructions: heat milk in small sauce pan, when it gets hot pour dry ingredients in and mix until it looks like Hot coco.
Microwave instructions: mix milk and vanilla extract gradually with in with dry ingredients, then microwave for a minute or so.
You know what to do with the whipped cream, at least I hope.

Homemade Mocha w/ flavor if desired

  • Mug of Brewed coffee
  • 2 Tbsp desired sweetener
  • 1 Tbsp Cocoa powder
  • Milk, half and half, or dairy sub
  • 1/4 tsp Desired flavoring (Hazelnut, Peppermint... est.)
  • Chocolate shavings, (if wanted)
  • Whipped cream (you see a theme?)
Combine dry ingredients in mug, pour coffee in mug with desired amount of milk, and flavoring, and mix, leave out cocoa if you desire a white chocolate. Whipped cream time.

course a normal cup of tea or coffee can't go wrong either.

Post some of your favorite recipes if you want!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Lovin Right Now

So we all know that the cold season is at our door, most of us don' know how to prepare for this, but this is what I've been doing lately. Lots of Sweater wearing, and lots of leather boot weather proofing. I own a pair of Milwaukee Motorcycle boots, they are one of my staples, and I try to be good to them, polish them and keep them in good shape. A way to keep your favorite leather boots in good shape, and keep them from falling apart is to you leather weather proof spray, it works on leather jackets too. It's really good at keeping your boots dry, and keeping your boots for awhile.
Also, I used to think that sweaters mad you look bigger then normal, but I was wrong, although not as flattering as a v-neck t-shirt, it will not make you look two sizes bigger, and they are nice and comfy. I snagged mine at 2nd hand locations, and they are wonderful.
-Happy Fall Mon Lovelies 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Loafers Glory... In Memory

 Today was bitter sweet, I grew up going to a beautiful historical area. Loafers Glory was a timeless wonder that I spent some of my childhood at. Recently the establishment is closing due to the owner retiring.

I will always remember getting up early, getting my teeth cleaned, then going to Loafers Glory and Auntie's House. I loved every moment spent there. Thank you for that. I will miss you guys so much, and will always wish that you were back in Blanchard Michigan where you belong, but nothing lasts for ever, and after October 31st, I will not be able to see this beautiful place how it was. I will miss you!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Halloween Blues

So... I'm not going to a Halloween party, sadly, but I will be posting my costume so you guys can see it, I'm doing it anyway, despite my non eventful Halloween.
Have a happy Halloween!!!!!!

Friday, October 18, 2013


Okay, so you wonderful DIYers out there, I don't know
if I'm the only one who starts projects when I don't have
everything to finish them. Right now I am waiting to get
paid and can't finish my Halloween project until I get paid...
I've done this periodically. I start projects and they sit
around awhile I start on them then I need to get supplies
to do anything else. I'm not those wonderful people who
have this stuff sitting around my house sadly.

Due to this lovely pause in my DIYing, my room is suffering
from lack of organization

Friday, October 11, 2013

Motivation to DIY My Costume!

Okay, so Halloween is soon to be upon us, and I am going to DIY it this year, like every year, but due to college and work, I am having a huge lack of motivation to DIY. I actually cleaned my room yesterday... that's how unmotivated to DIY I am right now, so I am going to just try to dive in, hopefully I will get engrossed in it enough that I will kick into overdrive!
Happy DIYing DIYers, and have a Happy Halloween!  20 days until Holloween!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Halloween DIY Inspiration

I am obsessed with Tim Burton so I am going to be a Tim Burton Creature person, but here's some interesting things for you DIYer out there, or mix and matchers who don't believe in cheesy costumes. Everything I make is for Halloween and every day, except my black tutu, I'd rather not have to fluff my but after I sit every time. These are not my pictures their just some good Ideas I found on google, the forest sprites I thought were pretty cool looking, enjoy the small perusing 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Now 10-1-13

As of now I have made three formal dresses, three skirts, and a few misc. clothing items. Have gone to only four school dances in my life, not very versatile in popular social events, surprise surprise. After I finished all this stuff, I started thinking about all this stuff I've done in life and it's just crazy. I've done all this and it feels imposable to just clean my room. It's just some food for thought.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Project Homecoming Dress

So, making my homecoming dress, I am doing an experiment. I do corsets most of the time, and I am trying to do the corset of my dress with interfacing, I am experimenting, and you should never do that a week from your event, but I am, don't do what I did, I was told I wasn't going, but now I am.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Dress Making

To all my fellow seamstresses out there, I am sewing my homecoming dress once more, zI am going to give you the advice I've learned over the past three years making dresses or anything really.
  • Mockups are your friends: if you are using a pattern, you want to make sure you pattern fits, if it don't fit you, likely the cute article of clothing wont fit you, even pinning the pattern together and holding it up to see will work, but if you do mockups I guarantee that your pieces will turn out!
  • Learn from your mistakes: If you make a mistake, depending on what it is, you will have to a) fix it, or b) see if it's noticeable, you can't fix an accidental slit in your bodice. true story, I made an eyelet hole in my prom dress, but it wasn't noticeable at all, so I got away with it! You've got your mistakes, and your failures, but we are DIYers, we don't fail, we make something else! 
  • Measure: this is important, no matter what shape, or size, this is important. You can't always count on being the same size you were last year, it doesn't work, your body changes, and so does everyone else. Just look at Megan Fox and all these other people over the years, they change, shift. We deal!
  • Test: Test every thing! from fabric and steam, to how something fits! and believe me, it comes in handy to make sure something correctly! My first Homecoming Dress was really loose, we were doing our best, but it didn't fit correctly, things move, its up to you to find out if they move reasonably. Is that dress so tight it puckers? Is it loose where your boobs are coming out and your bra is showing? 
These questions are important, leave a comment below if you have anything to ask or add!  

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Going from a PC to a Mac

Today I just got my Macbook Pro, and have been getting used to the Mac world. I really don't care about the whole PC vs. Mac controversy. I got the Macbook Pro for design purposes. Someone in my family is defiant to Macs completely because he finds Mac people occultish, I don't know. This blog was published with the use of my 2007 Macbook!

Monday, September 9, 2013

My Fist Day

Today was my first day of work, I will say this job is a bit laid back. I answered a few phone calls, talked to a few customers and washed out a few coffee mugs. It wasn't very odd, but I wasn't used to answering the phone with stranger, the whole "Don't talk to strangers" does not apply to anybody above the age of 16, although I had never met a stranger when I was little, very social. my first day was ok, could have been worst. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

D. A.

Deiviant art post I've started treating my Deviant Art like a Blog, but we'll see if I can keep up with it. My user name is Alexy28210, same as my Youtube, don't ask why I picked it, haven't  posted for a while, feel bad about that but here we are. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Parental Blocks

I'm 17 no, am getting a new computer it's a good thing, but right now I am having the first world problems of being blocked from my blog... it's not pleasant. mainly because I couldn't complete the series I started on Fridays. So if you were looking for anything new I was supposed to post, this is as new as it gets, and there goes the series. Wooohooo.

Monday, July 29, 2013

When ur doing an open house...

So I recently did a graduation open house,
I have 5 tips for you! I took note of things I should have done differently, but you only graduate high school once so I'm probably going to have to think of this in a few year, when I have kids graduating! That won't be for a while.
  1. Send out actual invitations that people will remember. I did a facebook announcement and an announcement at my church that morning.
  2. Have a long playlist to play while you're having your open house if you are playing music, not CDs, unless you have a multi CD player. it saves you from a lot of running around
  3. Have a place to put the cards! there will be many cards that day, you will want a box!
  4. Get people to help with the food, it makes it easier on you and your family, ask someone to add to your food. Same with set up, ask people to help, there are some people who love to help!
  5. If you have a Power Point make it fully automatic, saves running around!
Some of these are things I did and recommend, but some are things that I had to do, like restarting things, power points, music, I had a short playlist, and was running back and forth to fix that and eat lunch and talk to people and restart the overhead and then back to talking to people.
use this info! it saves!

Friday, July 26, 2013


Public Relations Overseas In A Chat Box
This is going to be a weekly series, posted on Fridays, this is manly
to deal with friend ships, not dating, all thought I know I might make
my position on that very clear at some point. I decided to do this
series when I was talking to a friend of mine, she lives in Australia,
which can put a strain on any friend ship. I have friends and family
on the other side of the USA that I don't keep in contact with anymore, and when I do see them its awkward.
     So here we go on the wonderful route into how a friendship survived Down Under!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

For the sake of us all! Mostly you!

Okay ladies, let's talk summer wear
please for double purposes, WEAR A BRA! it keeps the girls up
and helps defy gravity, helps combat back problems too, if you wear the correct bra that actually supports!
Sometimes the slim strapped fancy bra isn't the way to go, especially if you have Bs-DDs and up. summer tip, WEAR A BRA!!!!!!!!!!
You will be happy you did!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Natural Moisturizers for Hair and summer hair stuff!

from all the chlorine and salt water I go through in the summer,  I have really dry hair,
not to mention I use a lot of heat tools, especially hair straighteners! I use heat protection
sprays, I use CHI heat sprays, I've used their Iron Guard, and their Shine Infusion, both
work pretty good, but for my natural freak friends out there, like me, I found this recipe for
a hair mask, it's a bit pricey but the's products are always available in my house because
they are used for everyday things already.
  • Coconut Oil
  • Raw spun honey
I mix the two together and put it in warm wet hair and treat it as a conditioner it works well.
I leave mine in as long as I can. You should wash it out though, the coconut oil makes your
hair thicker and more the color it is. The honey gives vitamins to your hair and seals in the moister.

also here is something I will be testing when my shampoo runs out is using Baking Soda and lemon juice, I was given a good idea for a cheep good way of cleaning your hair. 
You just just get the baking soda mixed up with water and wash your hair with that, then
rinse it all out, then apply the lemon juice. Your hair will be dry after, but that's why I have
 that natural conditioner! also if you don't have money for the coconut oil you can use
Chamomile Tea. Steep the tea and work it in your hair. It's just tea, so you can leave it in,
it supposed to make your hair really soft, we'll see what it does to mine!

I did find that baking soda can be used as a dry conditioner, you can do the same thing with
 baby powder but you have the risk of smelling like baby powder! and Baking soda doesn't
really smell like anything, if you have brown hair, you can mix cinnamon with it and work it in
 your hair like dry shampoo. If you have differently colored then I don't know, I am blond. ^^
enjoy! let me know how it works for you if you try it!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I just got my first comment, and was so excited, my best friend thought I went mental.
but I am somewhat a crazy person already, hence why I rant on my posts sometimes.
Thank you for the comment!!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Vitamin String Quartet

A really skilled set of musicians that turn popular songs into
an orchestrated piece of music. I quite enjoy it.

I found them when I was just scrolling through Youtube, the
first song I ever heard them to was Somebody I Used to Know
by Gotye. I fell head over heels for them, and actually was
introduced to Gotye, Vitamin String Quartet actually helped me
find music I liked because I didn't have to hear the word at first.
I would listen to the orchestrated piece first, and it's kind of cool
to hear their version of a song. Like for instance  
The Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace. This group
is not for everybody, a family member I have hates their remakes
but I like the classical side they give. Right now I'm listening to
their rendition of Lifehouse's You and Me and it is beautiful.

Bravo Vitamin String Quartet!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pale Skin

not just me being white, like Caucasian, but I am the white of the white,
I burn upon just going outside without sunblock, I worked today and had just gotten
back from a festival. I had burned, and am burned from today to. I burn a ton,
this is why I don't like summer. I have to apply burn medicine and moisterizer to
repair the skin damage. I try to be kind to my skin. :P
burned today arg.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Really it's 508 views, Thank you for reading guys!!!!!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

3 Good Cold Drinks for 1, in bottles!

My Iced Mocha in a bottle :3
  • 20 oz Jones bottle, or any bottle that's 20 oz.
  • 16 oz Coffee, or 1 Starbucks VIA pack with 15 oz of water
  • 2 tsp. sugar, or sweetener of choice, if you use xylitol use serving size if you body's not used to it
  • 1 tsp. coco powder, I prefer dark chocolate powder
  • Cream, as much as you want, if using creamer add more coffee
      Mix dry ingredients together, then add coffee and cream, and shake, if in a glass stir, Ice cubes

My Iced Coco in a bottle
  • 20 oz. Milk, skim, rice dream, or whatever you want
  • 2 tsp. or more if you want it sweeter of sugar or sweetener
  • 1 tsp. Coco
  • 1/4 tsp. of vanilla or flavoring desired,
      Mix dry ingredients then add wet. Shake well, (or stir if in a glass) and let it sit for the sugar to dissolve.    enjoy with Ice or Whip cream.

20 oz Mango Lassi, in a bottle
  • 9 oz. Vanilla Yogurt
  • 4 oz. water or milk
  • 2 oz. blended mango pulp, or 1/4 cup of mango juice
  • sugar to taste
      Mix water or milk in bottle with yogurt and mango pulp or juice and sugar. enjoy!