Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Story: How to get a Migraine (warning vomit is mentioned)

1.  Be conscious. Wake up. Get up like it's any other day, because normally it is.

2.   Expect nothing, get ready for the day, drink your morning beverage, fix your hair, do you makeup because you are going to work today, but forget to eat anything but a brownie that you shouldn't eat, the brownie has ulterior motives, it will destroy your day.

3.   Get to work, check the coffee (because your a barista), talk to your co-worker like normal.

4.   After your co-worker finishes their shift, your vision starts flashing like when you look at lights for a while.

5.   Apply pressure to your eye lids for a moment, hoping that the flashing stops.

6.   Your next co-worker arrives, and the flashing has stopped, but your starting to feel hot.

7.    It starts in your forehead, and works into your eye-sockets, it sharp in your eyes, and dull in your  forehead. Your stomach begins to feel a bit nauseous, your face gets hotter. 

8.    You check the clock, worry that you might repeat the flu incident in your dentist's parking lot. Or that you might repeat the fainting incident when you fainted at friends house.

9.    Ask your co-worker to cover for you for the last 5 minutes, because you just can't take.

       i.  If they ask what's wrong just say it a migraine, because being nauseous as a barista is not a good thing. you do not come to work sick.

10.  Clock out, try to get to your car, and drive home without puking.

11.   Get home, roommates greet you, say your going to puke.

12.   Position yourself by the toilet in hopes of a relief of vomiting to at least relieve your stomach. nothing happens.

13.   Take aspirin in hopes the migraine will go away, take pepto-bismol in hopes your stomach will stop trying to reverse empty itself. 

14.   Pass-out in your room with your makeup on, and the blanket over your head, you will be missing class because you can't function this way around normal human behavior.

15.    Hopefully your cured, until the next time you eat only one bad food item you know you  shouldn't eat.

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